Category: How To Wordpress

WordPress featured image not showing – The Probable Reasons and How to Resolve this Issue?
An image or a picture is a great way to address the audience without using lots of text. Most of…

How to make use of Gmail SMTP Server for free?
Gmail SMTP server recalls super smooth functions and searches operations and proudly these features are usable in our application just…

Your Guide to Understanding WordPress Hooks and Getting Started with them
In WordPress, Hooks are a medium for making modifications or communicating with the other code at certain points or spots.…

WordPress User Roles and Permissions [Explained in Detail]
When more than one person handles a website, letting them use the same account to perform all actions isn’t a…

How to block IP Address in wordpress
If any user receives any kind of unwanted comments and some specious activities then the user needs to block these…

WordPress Robots.txt Explained- Where To Put It And How To Use It
What is WordPress robots.txt file? This is a very genuine question that comes to every user’s mind. So in this…

WordPress Missed Schedule
This problem is faced by the user when they applied at the blog post or page on schedule to publish…

What is an XFN link relationship in WordPress?
XFN link relationship in wordpress stands for XHTML friends network. XFN Standards can also be maintained with the help of…

How to set up Cloudflare SSL on WordPress
We must know that there are different types of SSL certificates present. But there are some paid versions and some…