Category: WordPress

WordPress featured image not showing – The Probable Reasons and How to Resolve this Issue?
An image or a picture is a great way to address the audience without using lots of text. Most of…

WordPress Custom Post Types – What is it and the Best Plugins to Create them
There are different types of Posts in WordPress. Custom post types are referred to the different types of content in…

What is an XFN link relationship in WordPress?
XFN link relationship in wordpress stands for XHTML friends network. XFN Standards can also be maintained with the help of…

How to Properly Disable Google AMP in WordPress
Users can easily disable Google AMP from any WordPress website. Users can remove or disable AMP on some WordPress websites…

WordPress do_shortcodes
Wordpress introduces the shortcode function in version 2.5 before this version there will be no shortcode available in wordpress. Wordpress…

How to create a custom single post template in WordPress
Many users reach to many websites on a single day and visit many pages or posts on any kind of…

Online Communities & WordPress Support Forums You Should Know to Help
WordPress has become one of the most renowned CMS today as it powers approximately 30% of the internet. WordPress has…

Top WordPress Adsense Plugins for your Website
Are you looking for the best Adsense Plugins and applications for WordPress ad management? To monetize their websites, many WordPress…