Sure Shot Way to Fix 405 Method Not Allowed Error
We know what it feels like to get a stubborn site error again and again. It leaves you annoyed and…

Facing 429 Too Many Requests Error? Here is How You Can Deal with It
No matter how diligently a website is designed, some bugs and errors are bound to occur. But, that shouldn’t be…

Fixing the 413 ‘Request Entity Too Large’ Error like a Pro
Website building and maintenance is a very tedious and ongoing job. There is something that will keep on showing up…

How to Check Your WordPress PHP Version- Top 3 Methods
Having WordPress is not the only thing that a business/individual should be worried about. To make sure it functions properly…

Hide Page Title in WordPress Using These Zero-Fuss Ways
We don’t need to tell you the importance of a title as we all know that it’s the first thing…

Top 7 WordPress Plugins for GDPR Compliance Needs of your Site
General Data Protection Regulation or GDPR are regulations aiming at consistent consumer protection and their personal data across European nations.…

White Text and Missing Buttons [Visual Editor Not Working Error Fixed in WordPress]
While you’re creating marvels with WordPress visual editor, there is one that can show up without any prior notice and…

Parallax Effect – What is it and How to Add it to Your WordPress Site?
Parallax scrolling effect creates depth on the site and makes it more engaging. It is an advanced design effect that…