Top WordPress Quiz Plugins Installation with Set Up
Last updated on September 6th, 2023 at 09:28 am

How To Install SlickQuiz Plugins
- Overseeing and making new tests is straightforward and instinctive.
- Boundless inquiries, boundless answers.
- Spare client scores (must be empowered in the alternatives).
- Offer outcomes through Twitter and Facebook sharing catches.
- Questions can have single or various right reactions.
- Answers have right and mistaken reaction informing.
- Show right/erroneous reaction message after each inquiry and/or toward the finish of the test.
- Final products incorporate a score (8/10) and adaptable positioning (ex. Super Genius).
- Test changes can be spared to a draft.
- Haphazardly sort questions and replies.
- Redo catch content, just as score and positioning content.
- Redo blunder messages for evacuated or unpublished tests.
- Load a set number of inquiries from a bigger gathering.
- Anticipate submitting inquiries without answers.
- Permits various tests in agreement.
- Spare client messages alongside test scores
Step 1 – Login to your wordpress site and go to your dashboard

2. Click Plugins and select Add new.

3. Type in your keyword in the “ Search Plugins “ box.

4. After the plugin appears click Install now and Activate
How To Setup SlickQuiz Plugins
Go back to your dashboard and click slickquiz then default options,so you can set up button, label, and messaging copy

When you choose slickquiz on the menu you can place a quiz on a post, page, or in the sidebar text widget – insert the following into the content, where “X” is the ID of the quiz you want to display.

Watu Quiz

How To Install Watu Quiz Plugins
Make tests and quizzes and show the outcome following the client takes the test. You can allocate evaluations and point levels for each review in the test/test. At that point relegate focuses to each response to an inquiry and Watu will make sense of the review dependent on the all out number of focuses gathered.
First go to your wordpress dashboard

2. Select plugins and tap Add new

3. Go to search plugins and type in your keyword

4. Once the plugin shows up click Install now and activate
How To Setup Watu Quiz Plugins
Go to “Watu Quizzes” under “TOOLS ” menu to make your tests, include questions, answers and grades. On the “oversee questions” page of the made test page, over the inquiries table you will see a green content. It demonstrates to you the code you have to enter in a post content where you need the test to show up.


How To Install Wp-Pro-Quiz Plugins
A ground-breaking and wonderful test module for WordPress.
Single Choice
Various Choice
“Arranging” Choice
“Free” Choice
“Grid Sorting” Choice
Cloze capacity
Arbitrary Answer
Arbitrary Question
HTML in inquiries and answers is permitted
Sight and sound in inquiries
Right/off base reaction message for all inquiries
Distinctive valency for each inquiry
Distinctive focuses for each answer
Result content with degrees
Review work
Test necessities
Custom fields
Import/Export work
Email warning
Classification bolster
Test outline
Numerous arrangement alternatives
Extremely pleasant standard plan
Completely perfect with store modules (for example WP-Super-Cache or W3 Total Cache)
Step 1 – Login to your dashboard

2. Click Plugins and tap Add new.

3. Go to search plugins and type in your keyword.

4. once the plugins shows up click install now and activate.
How To Install Wp-Pro-Quiz Plugins
Go back to your dashboard and click wp-pro quiz and click to wp-pro quiz on website dashboard.
On the wp-pro quiz overview you can add quiz and create anew.


How To Setup LearnDash Plugins
Ready to plan your own transformation agreeable, custom deals page for your courses with any page builder. The page will be displayed to only non enrolled students, who have not bought the course.

2. Click Plugins and Add new.

3. Type in your keyword in search plugins box.

4. Once the plugins appears click Install now and then Activate.
How To Setup LearnDash Plugins

Go back to your dashboard and click learndash LMS after Installation.
You will have different choices to configure.
Quiz Cat

How To Install Quiz Cat Plugins
As its name proposes, Quiz Cat is about tests. Introduce it and you can easily make tests for your site. Those tests, thusly, can be a genuine distinct advantage – connecting with your gathering of people to a degree you never thought conceivable.
First, login to your wordpress dashboard

2. Click Plugins and then Add new.

3. Type in your keyword into the search plugins box.

4. Once the plugin shows up click INSTALL NOW and then Activate
How To Setup Quiz Cat Plugins
If your done with the installation process,go back to your dashboard and look for the Quiz cat tab.

Tap Add new to create new quizzes for your website

When your done creating your new Quizzes just click save or save preview.

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