WordPress Speed Issues and Performance Tuning

WordPress, just like every other internet resource is prone to the risks of slowdowns. When these issues arise, the end results may often be devastating. For instance, a drop in the speed of a web page by just 1 second has been found to lead to a 7% decrease in the conversion rates, 11% reduction in the page views, and a 16% decrease in the customer satisfaction levels.
It, therefore, follows that at an increase in the page loading time of the website by just 1 second leads to a 7% spike in the profit levels. It is for this reason that speeding the pace of page loads makes great sense. In the discussions that follow, we are going to examine the various strategies that you may adopt to achieve this noble objective.
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Listed and explained below are some of the strategies that may help in hastening the speed of sites:
Correct Browsing Cache Setup
The browsing cache is a list of all the sites you have visited from the beginning of time. From time to time, the cache system may be overwhelmed as the result of the accumulation of too many web addresses. This may often bring about the undesirable consequence of slowing down the web pages.
To prevent this from happening, you may consider setting up the browsing cache by use of the premium plug-ins. The WP Fastest Cache is perhaps the most outstanding of these plug-ins. It has the ability to greatly boost the speed of page loadings and minimize the time taken for the site to be accessible.
Image Optimizations
Image optimization refers to the technique of reducing the overall dimensions of an image file without necessarily compromising its quality. The logic that underlies this undertaking is simple. Bulkier images take longer to load as compared to their simpler and more compact counterparts.
By optimizing the images, you get to reduce their bulk and in so doing, enable them to load faster. This has the overall impact of hastening the speed of the sites as well. This technique is particularly useful for those pages that contain plenty of images.
Set up the Number of Post Revisions
Post revisions is a special kind of cache. It is exclusive to the WordPress alone and it basically saves your past posts, drafts, pages, and custom pages automatically after you have visited or created them. Just like the cache, they too may accumulate and slow down the site.
This is why you have to place a cap on the number of such posts that may be attainable at any given time. WordPress does give you this ability. While at it, be sure to settle for an upper limit that is neither too narrow nor too broad as both extremes are unhealthy.
Optimize the Home Page to Load Faster
The homepage is the first point of contact between your WordPress and a prospect. The manner in which it ‘behaves’ determines to a great extent whether a visitor may choose to stay on your site or relocate elsewhere. For this reason, it ought to be comparatively faster than the rest of the pages.
For this to happen, you have to optimize it. This entails the use of a combination of tools to lessen the load and make the page lighter than the rest of the site. The exact set of tools needed for the job varies from site to site mainly depending on the features it possesses.
Bolster the Google Optimization Score
The Google optimization score is a gauge of how well your Google adverts account is more likely to perform. The score ranges from 0% to 100%. A higher score is indicative of better performance whereas a lower score is indicative of poor performance.
You should hence see to it that you optimize this score on both the desktop and the mobile platforms respectively. Generally speaking, a minimum score of 70% is better even though a target of 85% would be all the more ideal. This procedure is also complicated and calls for concerted efforts.
Improve the Pingdom Results
The Pingdom tool is a free online resource that analyses the loading speeds of your site. It also computes the availability of your site and predicts the number of hits it will more likely generate in its lifetime. It displays the findings of its tests in form of a score.
To see to it that your site captures the attention of many prospects, you have to make deliberate efforts to shore up the results of the Pingdom tests. This entails the use of this tool to first and foremost identify the likely issues. You then have to take the necessary step to counter those problems.
Shore up the Gtmetrix Results
Gtmetrix differs not so significantly from the Pingdom tool that is discussed above. It also performs the basic chores that its counterpart does. You should, therefore, follow the same procedures stipulated above to shore up the results of this tool as well.
Leverage the Google Page Speed Tools
To achieve a higher score of around 85%+, you will undoubtedly need to use the Google PageSpeed tools. This is a set of tools that are designed to enhance the speed and accessibility of web pages considerably.
They mainly do so by identifying any faults, errors, or inconsistencies that may hamper the ability of a site from complying with the Google’s web performance best practices. They also go a step further to automatically make adjustments to these standards and ensure their compatibility with the set best practices. You will have to leverage them if you ever hope to make any meaningful headways insofar as enhancing the speed of your web pages is concerned.
It is pretty clear from the foregoing discussions that increasing the speed of your site is no mean feat. The procedures and the tools employed are way too complicated to the average user. This is why you, by all means, have to delegate the task to a competent firm of our caliber. We have the wherewithal necessary to do a satisfactory job. Moreover, we are always open for business any day, any time. Why don’t you talk to us soonest possible? We look forward to assisting you!
To fix this issue right away , you can call us on our Toll Free numbers or Chat Now.
However, being a trendsetter in the WordPress development and hosting, we deliver seamless service integrating all kinds of available resources to improve the speed of your site. Here is how:
- Updating the core WordPress technology (Upgrading the system if it is required)
- Updating the CMS
- Decreasing the request
- Removing the wasteful as well as unnecessary plug ins
- Removing any eye-candy that is unnecessary
- Using a CDN
- Enabling the caching
- Optimizing the databases
- Optimizing the images
- Disabling the hotlinking
- Enabling the Gzip compression
- Proper monitoring of the site
- Developing knowledge base about your tools
- Minifying the files
- Loading the scripts in the footer
- Prioritizing the contents
- Using the proper sizes for the images
- Activating, deactivating and uninstalling the hooks
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